Saturday, February 28, 2015

It's scary in there!

I was listening to a Ted Talk today.  If you haven't caught onto these, you're definitely missing out.  They're so inspiring!  In the talk I was listening to, the lady referenced a modified quote from a Toni Morrison novel.  The modified quote was, "There are more scary things inside than outside."  This is a truth indeed and it sent me on a search for the full quote.

As I was searching, I thought about how many people allow fears to rule their life and their existence.  Do you know someone who has so much potential, but doesn't see it or chooses to ignore it?  Do you know someone who stops themselves before they even get started?  Is this maybe... you?

One of the best lessons I learned from Tony Robbins was that, pain is a more powerful motivator than pleasure. We will do just about anything to avoid the short term perceived pains than we will do to experience long term pleasure.  When I thoroughly grasped that for the first time, I was shocked.  It was true and very true for me!  This can impact various aspects of your life, but many times if it's in one aspect, it's in many more.

I wouldn't fully come out of my shell and allow myself to be successful.  What if someone told me no?  What if I wasn't good enough?  What will they think of me?  I can't do that! On and on and on.  All of this was internal dialogue.  As it became stronger, I became more introverted.  The things on the outside, while they may seem scary, really are not.  They are temporary moments that you must pass through.  If you don't pass through with confidence, determination and intent, then you stop.  You grow no further.  "If you aren't growing, you're dying."  Tony Robbins

Ah ha.  Found it.  

Don't let this be your story.   There is way more scary stuff going on inside our own head than outside.  Go for it and don't let your mind get the best of you! 

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