Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Lessons from children's books

I read with my kids almost every night as part of the wind down.  There are 2 books that stick out in my mind all the time.  The first is Dr. Wayne Dyer's I Am Why Two Little Words Mean So Much. I wish every adult would read this too.  It's a very basic concept really and it's like this:

Those 2 simple words can make you or break you.  Literally!  Anything attached to the words I AM is what you become.  How many of us over the years and daily have had a defeatist mindset, whether we meant to or not.  I found that eventually, it became such a habit, that I didn't even know I was doing it!  I would catch myself lecturing out loud at whoever needed it, but I was doing it alone all by myself!  What good does that do?  Not a damn thing good comes out of that!  I would do it while the kids were napping, while I was cleaning and even at night when I should have been sleeping!  No wonder I was depressed and anxious.  Thank God I finally caught it!  That little book led me to a few other things and I realized what I had done to myself.  Yes, others along the way have said hurtful things.  You may have been told your weren't cut out for a sport, or college or that your freckles were weird.  We've all had someone say something, but at that point it's our job to take that and change it in our minds and souls.  Any ill will or sayings coming from someone is usually out of their own insecurities.  Strength in a person can be very intimidating, so others feel the need to hack away at it.  That is never going to stop, but what we can stop is how it affects us and how we respond.  You must find a deep love for yourself. This has nothing to do with selfishness, so ...get that out of your head.  See?  I caught it.  The littlest thing can trigger it!  Whatever your beliefs, we are all amazing by pure science.  As humans we are so complex and such beautiful creatures.  So there's #1.  I am beautiful!  Our brains separate us from all other species.  #2 I am smart!  We have the ability and capability to do anything. #3 I am able and capable to do _____  and be ______.  It's been proven time and time again that humans can come from really bad circumstances and overcome anything.  #4 I am powerful, strong and free to choose my life path.  I know there are some extraordinary circumstances that can't be helped.  There are those in really oppressed areas that literally can't get out.  However, we've also seen these same people faced with so much be mentally alive and happy against all the adversity!  Be extra careful and conscious of what you say after the words, "I am."  Notice I didn't give any bad examples here.  I don't want to knock my own mojo :)  Don't give those other I ams the time of day.  Catch it and replace it immediately, no excuses!  Read this book for yourself and pass the knowledge down to your kids and grandkids so they too can learn this at an earlier age than we did.  There's more to this book on the spiritual side and it's magnificent!

"I am everything that is good and everything that is real."
"I am the voice that you hear when you are quiet and still."
- I Am Why Two Little Words Mean So Much

The second book is Every Cowgirl Needs Dancing Boots by Rebecca Janni.  We've read this 3 times already since Sunday and the last 2 times one sentence has smacked me head on.  It's not because I'm from Tennessee and love my boots, even though that is completely true!  It reads, "I wished cowgirls could be quitters, but a cowgirl's got a code of honor... so I got right to work."  A cowgirl has a code of honor and they aren't quitters.  Wow!  Yes, it's in a child's book, but that's very powerful.  You don't have to label yourself a cowgirl or anything, but have a code of honor and never quit.  Xoxo

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